Learn. Grow. Protect.

Cultivating Impact for food security and climate Advocacy

Ceres Food Bank Network envisions a world where food is accessible to all, we cultivate impact by nourishing communities, protecting the planet, and advocating for a more equitable and sustainable future

Ceres Food Bank Network

Through education, community engagement, and strategic partnerships, Ceres Food Bank Network works tirelessly to cultivate a positive impact.

We are dedicated to creating a world where everyone has access to nutritious food. With a dual focus on ending hunger and advocating for climate resilience, the network operates with a deep understanding that environmental sustainability and food security are intrinsically linked. Through education, community engagement, and strategic partnerships, we work tirelessly to cultivate a positive impact, ensuring that our actions today contribute to a healthier, more equitable planet for future generations. 

Our Mission

We envision a society where every individual has access to the food they need and is empowered to live sustainably. Where the environment is safeguarded for future generations.

Our Vision

Our mission is to cultivate a significant impact on food security and climate advocacy. By nourishing communities and protecting our planet, we strive to create a more equitable and sustainable future for all.

Our Services

In the face of food insecurity and climate change, our services work together to address immediate needs while also building long-term resilience and sustainability.

Food Rescue and Redistribution

Ceres Food Bank is reducing food waste by rescuing surplus food from donors, producers, retailers, and restaurants. The rescued food is then redistributed to those in the most need, ensuring food security and reducing the carbon footprint associated with food waste.

Sustainable Extension Services

Ceres Food Bank provides farmers with education and resources on sustainable agriculture practices. Training on soil health, water conservation, and the use of renewable energy in farming, to increase productivity while minimizing environmental impact.

Food Security & Climate Advocacy

Ceres Food Bank is raising awareness and driving policy changes for food security, and climate action through the Carbon Ceres Initiate. We run educational campaigns, community mobilization, and lobbying efforts to support sustainable food systems and environmental stewardship.

Community Empowerment Education

Ceres Food Bank is actively empowering individuals and communities through educational programs on nutrition, sustainable living, and climate resilience with the knowledge and skills to achieve food security and adapt to climate change.

Partner With Us

Are you passionate about the environment, and fighting hunger, Join our network of collaborators. Let’s create a more sustainable world together.